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ASES Coordinator:

ASES Coordinator:

Diana Losk

Phone: 530-623-3949



Commitment to Achievement & Victory for Everyone
Douglas City School is excited to be offering our after school program called ASES, aka DC CAVE! This program is free to all K-8 students. In the event of our site having a full program with a waiting list, students who are homeless, in foster care, and those that attend five day a week will be given first priority.

Program Days/Hours - ASES begins on the 2nd day of school, during the hours of 2:30pm to 5:30pm and runs Monday through Friday. On early dismissal days we will start at 1:30pm. Parents are responsible for picking up their children on time. It becomes difficult to perform our jobs to the fullest when children are not picked up by 5:30pm. The ELO-P summer program runs from 8:00am-4:00pm. Summer program dates will be announced prior to the end of the school year.

This program is composed of three primary components:

Academic Support – will provide homework assistance, tutoring and educational activities aligned with common core standards.

Enrichment and Recreation – will provide fun and engaging activities that give more depth to traditional learning. Activities may include leadership training, computers, music, science, art and various clubs. This year we will continue to improve and expand our garden; we have parent volunteers who are committed to helping us learn about and grow healthy, sustainable fresh foods. We also will be focused on good health habits and becoming active. Activities include organized games, music, drama, cooking, crafts, and other various recreational sports. We have cheer, volleyball, archery, basketball and track teams that complete within our county and occasionally outside the county.

Healthy Meal – will be provided on a daily basis, adhering to State and Federal guidelines.

Parents must agree to the terms of the ASES registration. If you have any questions please call me at the office at 623-6350.

Diana Losk
After School Site Coordinator
Call (530) 623-6350 or (530) 623-3949 after 2:00pm for all ASES needs


Dear Parents,

We are so pleased that you have enrolled your child in ASES. It is the goal of our ASES program to keep your child safe and engaged in meaningful activities after school each day until 5:30pm. The program will start right after dismissal time and operate until 5:30pm every day. It is the intent of the Legislature that students participate in the full after school program. Circumstances that allow for early release are listed below.

You must code your early pick-up on the sign-out sheet with the corresponding letter if your child does not stay until 5:30pm:

A - Medical Appointments
B – Parent, Guardians, or Authorized Pick Up Person
C – Special Campus Events Under Direction of the Principal
D – School Site Closure Due to Weather or Fire incident
E – Last bus of the regular school day is their only transportation home

All students must be signed out with a (1) signature, (2) time of pick-up and (3) a code. If all three columns are not filled out, this is considered a miss-sign and student may be dropped from the program. Each child’s parent, guardian or persons named on the student’s approved pickup list must sign for the relevant student. There are no exceptions.
Once a student is signed out of the ASES program, our school district is not liable for any harm or injury that may occur. The student may not return to the program after he/she is signed out. It is also understood that the program closes promptly at 5:30pm every day. If a child is picked up after 5:30pm, the parent or guardian will receive a warning letter. It is understood that events beyond our control can sometimes occur, but habitual late pick-ups will be subject to removal from the program under the consideration of the Site Coordinator and the school Principal.

Diana Losk
Site Coordinator


After School Program Behavioral Requirements Acknowledgement

This Behavioral Requirements Acknowledgement (this “Acknowledgement”) is made to ensure that all parents and program participants have acknowledged their understanding of the Behavioral Requirements (the “Behavioral Requirements”) of the Douglas City School After School Program (the “Program”). The Behavioral Requirements are necessary to keep the Program orderly, safe, respectful, inclusive and enjoyable for all participants and staff. Failure to comply with the Behavioral Requirements will result in a Discipline Referral. All Discipline Referrals must be signed by the parent or guardian and returned to the Site Coordinator before the participant may continue in the Program.

Behavioral Requirements and Discipline Referrals:

1. Students MUST come to the After School Program fully prepared to complete their homework, including homework sheets, assignments, books, pencils, paper, etc.

2. All participants MUST every day practice good, respectful age-appropriate behavior, consistent with the Behavioral Guidelines specified below, with any Discipline Referrals sent home with the Program participant. Consequences, if any, will be listed on the Discipline Referral.

3. All Discipline Referrals MUST be signed by the parent or guardian in order for the participant to continue in the Program, and all Referrals will be kept on file with the Program.

A 1st Discipline Referral will result in a verbal and written notification advising the parent of the relevant Behavioral Requirements violation. A 2nd Discipline Referral will result in a parent conference with the Site Coordinator about the relevant violation, with a suspension from the program for 1-3 days, depending on the severity of the violation. A 3rd Discipline Referral will result in a two (2) week suspension from the Program A 4th Discipline Referral may, in the discretion of the Site Coordinator and the School Principal, result in a further suspension or termination from the Program for the balance of the School Year. In addition, any student may be suspended or terminated from the Program for committing any of the Grounds for Suspension acts, found in the Douglas City School Handbook.


The Douglas City After School Program believes that the following principles should serve as a guideline for our attitudes and actions:

 People are RESPONSIBLE for their actions.
 We will always RESPECT each other and the environment.
 HONESTY will be the basis for all relationships and interactions.
 We will CARE for ourselves and those around us.
 We will practice SAFE behaviors in the classroom and on the playground.