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Bus Schedule - Regular Day Routes

Bus Schedule - Regular Day Routes

BUS #2-Jenni

BUS #2-Jenni

Morning Run
7:15     Leave School
7:19     Indian Creek Trailer Park
7:22     Vitzum Gulch
7:25     Top of the Grade
7:27     Poker Bar
7:33     River Ranch Road
7:37     Return to School
7:40     Leave School
8:00-8:05 Performing Arts Center (TAPAC back lot)
8:15     Return to School
Afternoon Run-Bus (2:30 dismissal)
2:32     DC Fire Hall (River Access Parking Lot)
2:35     Union Hill
2:40     Martin Road & 299W (7th Day Adventist Church)
2:45     Lowden Park Pool (LPP)
2:50     Corner Mart
2:53     Tangle Blue  
2:55     Performing Arts Center-TAPAC (as needed)
3:02     Indian Creek Trailer Park
3:07     River Ranch Road (as needed)          
3:10     Return to School
Afternoon Run-Bus (3:25 dismissal)
3:30     Leave School
3:35     Union Hill
3:38     Little Brown’s Creek
3:40     Martin Road & 299W  (7th Day Adventist Church)
3:47     Lowden Park Pool (LPP)
3:49     Corner Mart (as needed)
3:52     Tangle Blue
3:55     Performing Arts Center-TAPAC (as needed)
4:00     Indian Creek Trailer Park
4:02     Vitzum Gulch
4:05     Top of the Grade
4:06     Poker Bar Rd at 299W
4:13     River Ranch Road
4:30     Return to School

Bus Schedule - 1:35 pm Dismissal Only

Bus Schedule - 1:35 pm Dismissal Only

BUS #2-Jenni
1:37     Union Hill
1:40     Little Browns Creek
1:45     Martin Road at 299  (7th Day Adventist Church)
1:50     Lowden Park Pool (LPP)
1:52     Corner Mart
1:55     Library
2:00     Tangle Blue (as needed)
2:03     Performing Arts Center-TAPAC (as needed)
2:10     Indian Creek Trailer Park (as needed)
2:11     Vitzum Gulch
2:12     Top of the Grade (as needed)
2:15     Poker Bar Rd at 299W
2:19     River Ranch Road
2:30     Return to School
1:35     DCFH (River Access Parking Lot)
1:38     Marshall Ranch Road (1st turnout heading south)
1:45     B Bar K Rd (as needed)
1:50     Jordan Road
1:55-2:10  Deerlick Springs
2:30     Return to School
Van- Stephen

Van- Stephen

Morning Run
7:00     Deerlick Springs (p/u THS bus)
7:28     DC Firehall
7:32     Return to School
7:45     Jordan Road
7:46     Hwy 3 across B Bar K
7:54     Return to School
8:06     Steiner Flat
8:18     Return to School
Afternoon Run-Van (3:25 dismissal)
3:30     Leave School
3:32     DCFH
3:35     Marshall Ranch Rd  (1st turnout heading south)
3:40     B Bar K Rd (as needed)
3:45     Jordan Rd
3:50-4:00 Deerlick Springs
4:30     Return to School

Bus - Drop Off / Pick-up procedures

Bus - Drop Off / Pick-up procedures

When arriving at a bus stop to meet the school bus, please allow five minutes leeway on both sides of the stated arrival time. Actual times may vary from the published bus schedule due to unforeseen circumstances such as the bus leaving school late, being held up in traffic, weather conditions, etc. Allowing a few extra minutes will ensure that you don’t miss the bus. On snowy days, please bear in mind that it is very difficult to stick to a set schedule as weather and road conditions can change rapidly.
The morning bus stop at the Weaverville Performing Arts Center (TAPAC) is our only Weaverville stop and is often very full.  Students will be loaded on a first come-first serve basis and are to be supervised by their parents until it is certain there is room on the bus. If room is not available, parents/guardians will need to drive their child to the school.
At bus stops where parents/guardians arrive by automobile to pick up their children, drivers will not release primary students (K-3) unless a parent, guardian, or approved pick-up person has identified themselves to the driver.  Students in grades 4-8 may exit bus and walk to their destinations (if not highway bus stops); initial permission of parent/guardian is requested by bus drivers.



The following is a statement on bus which is taken from the DOUGLAS CITY ELEMENTARY SCHOOL

- Pupils shall exercise proper conduct on school buses;

- Pupils are under the authority of the driver and shall comply with his/her instructions.
- There shall be no loud conversations, boisterous conduct, scuffling, smoking, eating, chewing gum, unnecessary noise, or profanity on the bus.

- Pupils must refrain from any activity which tends to distract the driver's attention.

- Pupils must sit properly in their seat while the bus is in motion, and keep all parts of the body inside the bus. If bus is equipped with seatbelts, students must wear the seatbelts at all times. Leaning in the aisle is unsafe and will not be allowed.

- Pupils must board and depart the bus in an orderly manner and refrain from running in loading areas.

- Students need to ensure that their pets do not follow them to the bus stop.

- Seats may not be reserved. Seats will be occupied on the basis of, "first come, first serve.

Students are not allowed to leave buses at other than their regular stop except upon written request of parent and the approval of the principal or vice-principal. K-3 students will be returned to school if a parent or authorized adult is not at the stop to meet them. Since bus drivers do not have ready access to individual student’s authorized pick-up lists, a note will be required if someone other than you, the parent or guardian, will be picking up your child from the bus stop.
For persistent refusal to submit to the authority of the bus driver, or for any serious offense, pupils may be denied transportation by the driver.
It is the intention of school authorities to enforce the provisions of this policy on buses ridden by students. It is expected that the same conduct required at school be adhered to on the school bus.